The Coril 150 story page is brimming with stories of community, volunteerism and pride. There are many inspirational pieces about “authentic” Canadian experiences and above all, the warm and genuine hospitality of our countrymen.

A country rich in the heritage of its immigrants, for more than 100 years the Coril Group of Companies has been graced with the breadth of passion and experience that new Canadians have brought to our soil.

One of Loram’s former vice presidents was one such immigrant. David Gjosund grew up in Norway and Swaziland as his parents were missionaries.

“One of the few professions I could get into without having financial backing was accountancy. I articled to a friend’s father and they took me into their home. I boarded with them because my earnings were very, very meagre. I had to pay my university and board and so on.”

It was August 1978 when Gjosund immigrated to Canada and had his first experience with true Canadian hospitality.

“There was a hostess on board Air Canada who helped me. I needed a couple of Canadian dollars, which I didn’t have, to rent earphones for our three children and she offered them to me. I got her card and wrote as soon as I could pay her back and just thanked her so much. I still have that card. I remember being so impressed with Canadians when they welcomed us as new immigrants to Canada.”

As the Coril 150 campaign comes to a close, Gjosund’s story reminds us of the importance of celebrating our nationality and paying it forward on a daily basis. Borders aside, we are one community and look forward to celebrating our continued team success for many years to come.

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