
I have always looked upon the RCMP and especially the Musical Ride as an iconic symbol of our country. To me they clearly represent a country that is strong and free.

The first time I saw the Musical Ride was in 1976, I was 6 years old, and I can remember these giant black horses and RCMP members in their red surges. They were all so well-groomed and disciplined. It made me incredibly proud to be Canadian even at this young age.  But seeing the musical ride in person was not my first exposure to them. Growing up we had pictures and memorabilia from the RCMP around our house as my father was a member of the force for 27 years. A year after joining the RCMP in 1961 he was assigned to the musical ride and spent three years touring North America representing Canada. My dad would tell us stories of meeting people from around the world and how envious they were of our amazing country.

In 1975 my Dad had the honour of escorting Prince Charles on horseback in Brockett, Alberta. Its things like the RCMP and the musical ride that make our country unique and amazing.

Jeff B – V Strategies Inc (Coril Partner)

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