My Canadian experience was only meant to be a one year working holiday on my way home from 2.5 years in the UK to my homeland of New Zealand. 12 days into my visit to Canada I found myself being thrown into a friend’s car at 5am with a few hours’ sleep from Friday night’s adventures and we were en route to Fernie! We were fortunate enough to have to stop on the roadside to watch a Moose bound across the road…to date this remains my only elusive Moose sighting but a great intro to Canada. On this day in Fernie I found a majestic town, amazing ski hill and met my wife. As the year progressed I became more and more comfortable with the Canadian way of life, saw some amazing sights and met some interesting folks. My one year in Canada is now 8 years and 2 kids have blessed us since. We get back to Fernie for my birthday every year and other visits as it will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Ryan H – INLIV

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