Following graduation from the University of Alberta in 1970, a motley crew of graduates who found themselves working feverishly away in their first-ever professional jobs in Calgary decided over a weekday lunch in the fall of 1971, that they really missed the spontaneity, camaraderie, adventures and laughter of their University years.

That seemingly mundane lunch turned into one of the most amazing, inspiring, fun and Canadian pursuits of our lives: an annual four to seven day journey of adventure spent in ‘the bush’ together, every summer or early fall, catching up on lives, families, careers and personal growth.

We have hiked, climbed, canoed, rafted, cycled, ridden (horses…and llamas) and generally trekked all over British Columbia, Alberta, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland each summer for 45 years. We’ve also visited Oregon, Washington, Utah, Arizona, Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Alaska, England, France, Spain and Italy.

Quite apart from the incredible bonds of friendship and support that we’ve built over the years, and the hundreds of outstanding experiences, our appreciation and love for our outstanding country of Canada has grown to know no bounds. The people, the scenery, the freedom and the beauty are underscored by the vast quilt of fields, rivers, lakes, oceans, mountains and big sky that connects all of us.

Ken W – Coril Holdings Ltd.

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