Here are two additional interesting factoids relative to early America:

First, the prevailing maritime tradition of Columbus’ era was to fly the flag of the Country that was responsible for funding exploratory journeys. King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella of Spain financed the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria.

Instead, Columbus flew the cross of the Knights Templar, which was also incorporated into Ferdinand and Isabella’s family flag, which was green instead of red, regardless, the Templar cross is the most prevalent component of the design.

Templar theorists suggest this use was forthcoming because Columbus married Filipa Moniz Perestrelo, a Portuguese noblewoman whose uncle was archbishop of Lisbon, who is known to have had ties with the Portuguese crown and with Templars.

Columbus may have been provided a description of the way to America by his in-laws. Also, the Templar cross was believed to be recognized as friendly by indigenous Native American’s. This recognition may have been part of an effort to enhance the crew’s safety and help assure them of success upon landing in foreign, potentially hostile territory.

Second, Scotland’s famous Rosslyn Chapel stone masonry includes clear concise renderings of corn, which were carved about 1446, nearly fifty years before Columbus sailed, even though corn is known to be indigenous only to the America’s. You’ll be hard pressed to find rock solid evidence of pre-Columbian travel more concrete than that. Stone’s don’t lie. People brought corn back from America prior to 1446 when that knowledge was memorialized in stone. Columbus was born in 1451, five years later.

Eric E – Loram Maintenance of Way, Inc.

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