Growing up on a quarter section, 160 acres of vast farmland loaned out to cattle farmers in the middle of the prairies between the towns of Chestermere, Strathmore and Langdon, my lifestyle as a kid was one that was characterized by “work hard” and “play hard”. I typically split my time playing hockey, baseball, and soccer when my friends and I weren’t dirtbiking, or otherwise being active and getting into trouble outside after chores. The best parts of growing up in a small town was everyone knew everyone else. Even our high school graduation consisted of only 100 students! Some of which are still dear friends of mine, including some teachers too! The families all knew each other from past generations and our next door neighbours were oftentimes about a Kilometer away… just down the road! I love going home back to my folks’ acreage east on the Transcanada Highway, to pass under a bridge known to CHS (my Highschool) as “Graffiti Grad Bridge”. Look for it next time you drive east of Chestermere… the tradition was to tag your graduation year on the train bridge and every time I drive under I get a little nostalgic. Farm kid at heart…

Mike S – INLIV

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