This country has given me more now (I’m not even 30) than most get in a lifetime. From the safety and freedom my parents got to the access and endless opportunities I have, Canada gives me the ability to choose my own life and improve others’.

I’ve always been obsessed with nature. As soon as I could walk I was dirty in gardens, wet in streams and lost in endless trails and forests. These things have had amazing positive impacts on my life.

The quality and scale of Canada’s wilderness has let me connect with people in ways that are truly rare to come by. I made the strongest connections with friends while at camp or on canoe trips in the Arctic Circle, Nova Scotia and Ontario. My family and I grew ever closer with our time spent on the Georgian Bay summer after summer.

The Canadian wilderness is dominated by the Great Canadian Shield, a mass of rock and rough terrain that hold very little soil, so you would think life and nature should be hard to come by. And yet the opposite exists; it is teaming with endless opportunities for life to thrive and nature to be, well, nature. With all of the great things that make Canada “Canada”, I think its nature and its wilderness have had the biggest impact on me, and will continue to do so.

Kit M – Triovest

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