The Coril Group has always believed in supporting the communities in which we work, live and play. During this holiday season, the Coril Team joined together by donating time and money in support of the Louise Dean School, a specialized Grade 9 – 12 education program for pregnant and parenting teens. The support was overwhelming, we raised over $2,400, enabling us to purchase everything on the wish list of a family of five, including clothing, household items, and baby necessities. After all the items were purchased, our employees generously donated their time to wrap everything so the family has presents for under the tree to open on Christmas morning. Due to the immense generosity of the Coril Team, in addition to supporting the family of five, we were able to also purchase strollers and car seats for other families at the school.

On December 9, two volunteers delivered the items to the school and will have the pleasure of getting a tour of the amazing facility.

This initiative was a great way to bring the Coril team together in support of a great cause, and also served as a reminder that there are many people in the communities in which the Coril Group operates who are less fortunate and need our help, not just at Christmas, but all year round.

Coril Team – Coril Holdings Ltd.

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