I was in my final year of studies in the Exercise and Wellness program at Arizona State University and life was good, I was the typical happy-go-lucky college student. But then while home in Calgary for Christmas vacation the unthinkable happened; I was diagnosed with bladder cancer.

Nothing can prepare you for that word, CANCER; it’s as if everything around you stops, all your senses shut down and you’re frozen. Naturally I quickly withdrew from my final semester and stayed here in Canada, surrounded by my family and friends. Both of which I had at INLIV where, for the last 3 summers, I had worked as a personal trainer and health coach.

But my story is not about my battle with cancer, or the journey it took me on, rather it is about the people who got me through it. My family, friends and my co-workers at INLIV were with me 100% of the way. Anything I needed, they provided. Whether it was a ride to an appointment, pre-cooked meals, visitors and even work, they provided. Although I was not well enough to work full time, INLIV provided me with small projects that I could work on from home if needed. And the support they offered to me and my Mum (also an INLIV INmate) was incredible and will not be forgotten.

Today I am 2 years cancer free, I completed my degree at the top of my class and I am now back at INLIV in the medical department where I get to help other people every day. What a blessing to be able to pay forward the care I was shown at INLIV to our clients.

Courtney B – INLIV

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