It is so easy to forget how lucky we are to live in Canada.

It’s easy to go about our day to day lives with such ease, completely forgetting how difficult some of the most basic aspects of life can be somewhere else. Having just returned from a trip abroad I have been reminded of our blissful existence here, coming home never felt so good!

We have the best manners here in Canada. This is true in more forms than you may realize and it’s the little things that matter the most. The little things like that friendly wave when we cut in front of each other, or opening the door for others. We are great at line ups, we say thank you and give simple gestures such as a beautiful smile, and these things may seem so small but are so greatly missed when they are no longer there.

We have so much room to breathe in Canada. We have huge homes, large vehicles, and an abundance of beautiful trees and wide open spaces. We are so lucky to have so much space to wander, to roam and to play outside. It can be hard to find this luxury in other places and it is one I know I have taken for granted on more than one occasion.

It’s easy to go through the motions of our day without acknowledging the little things. Don’t forget to remember how lucky we are!

Leanne A – INLIV

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