2017 marks the second year The Crossing will host the Veterans Transition Network. We are extremely proud to be one of the retreat centers VTN uses across Canada. The Veterans Transition Network is a national charity helping Canadian veterans through their transition process, reconnecting them with families, communities, and careers. Every year, more military personnel & Veterans die from suicide than any other cause, including combat. Veterans often have difficulties with the transition to civilian life. Combat depression, post-traumatic stress or substance abuse leaving them feeling isolated and unable to reach out for support. The Veterans Transition Network provides a chance for Canadian Veterans to move forward by delivering programs to Canadian Forces Veterans across the country. The programs use a unique model developed by psychologists and medical experts at the University of British Columbia over 15 years, and are delivered in teams with successful Veterans from the community that have previously graduated from the program. The Veterans Transition Program is the only program of its kind in Canada, where former service personnel can receive support for trauma related stress, career transitions and family relationships. It is a group based opportunity offered to former members of the Canadian Forces & RCMP.

Jori G – The Crossing

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